
I believe I am a fairly dependable person. I try to always do what I tell you I am going to do. I don’t like to let people down. I am rarely late. I pride myself on being responsible and reliable. I have realized, however, there is one person I have been letting down. With this one person, I have not been keeping my commitments.

This person gets the excuses of too busy, too tired, I’ll do it another day, and so on. This person is ME!

I had a conversation recently with another Health Coach from IIN (Institute for Integrative Nutrition) and I realized I was not keeping the commitments I make to myself. I also wasn’t holding myself accountable. It doesn’t feel great to repeatedly let yourself down,. For the past couple weeks as a result, my mantra has been “Keep the commitments you make to yourself”.

I’ve made some progress and it has felt really good. I’ve always believed one good action leads to the next. I’ve felt that as I’ve fit in my workout or handled a task that needed my attention. At times it has meant doing things at weird hours because that’s when I am free. I don’t have a regular schedule so being able to be flexible and fit it in when I can is important. Prioritizing my own commitments is key.

With the dark mornings, it’s been easy to decide to sleep a bit more instead of getting my morning run or my morning workout … but I know how much better I feel when I keep that commitment to myself. The rest of my day is better and I make better choices as a result. It’s been easy on cold days to grab a Starbucks hot chocolate for breakfast versus making something healthy at home. The mornings when I make a smoothie, or bone broth or tea - I feel better.

Keeping our own commitments isn’t usually the easiest path but it is the more rewarding one. At the beginning of December I set some very small daily goals for myself. A couple things I wanted to do everyday that would take about 10 minutes. Now that’s it’s been a month, it’s becoming a habit and I am looking to add on a bit for January. Making small changes leads to better success versus trying to change your whole lifestyle at once.

If you need help making some changes and keeping your commitments - consider working with a health and nutrition coach. All of us could us a bit of support and accountability from time to time. I’m taking on a few new clients in the New Year if you are ready to make some changes!