Doing it Right

Before I became a Pilates Instructor, I tried jump class for the first time as a student. I left frustrated and with two charlie horses in my calves. I decided jump was not for me. I avoided jump for many years because of that first experience.

At my studio in Lexington, one of my students was begging me to get jump boards. I stalled and told her they cost money and I didn’t have the funds at that time to buy five jump boards. Like a good negotiator, she proposed if she recruited four new students would I then buy jump boards? I agreed. And boy she went to town recruiting people, and I’m so thankful for her spunk, love of Pilates, and willingness to share Pilates with her friends.

Sure enough, I delivered on my promise and ordered the jump boards. I also set about educating myself on jumping. I watched videos and tutorials on jumpboard and really educated myself on how to teach a good jump class and not get calf cramps. I also went to a jump classes while on a visit to Nashville. Wow what a difference from my first experience. I actually liked jump!

What I learned by both my research, video watching, and class attendance is that I was not taught how to jump properly. The mechanics were never explained and I just started bouncing on the reformer and jump board. The lack of ‘teaching’ had turned me off and made me avoid jump classes.

Today I love jump board and I love teaching it. I always make sure to explain how to do it right so my students have a positive experience. Knock on wood but I haven’t had student struggle with a calf cramp like I did because of improper form. To me, this reiterates why it is so important that we study Pilates, study the body, and seek out qualified instructors. I avoided something I could have loved for years!