Celebrate the Small Wins

Recently in the studio I’ve heard the following statements from some of our students:

“I know I’ve only been coming here a month, but already my back feels better, and I can tell a difference!”

“At the beginning of class I couldn’t come near touching my toes, by the end I was almost there and that makes me think it’s possible!”

“I never thought I’d be able to do a Plank and here I am doing it!”

“This is exercise is getting easier for me!”

I love these kinds of pure, honest comments for the obvious reason that is shows me our students are progressing, getting stronger, and benefitting from Pilates. That’s why I do what I do. I had a mentor tell me one time that anyone can be an ‘exercise giver’ but it takes a lot more to be a teacher. That stuck with me. Even if we come with the list of exercises we intended to instruct - being a teacher means observing, modifying, progressing and celebrating those wins. It’s how we guide our students to have success.

All that being said the second and probably bigger reason I love those comments is because those students are celebrating their wins! They are noticing their progress. I can tell them they are doing well but it sure means more when they see it for themselves. It is what keeps us coming back when we can see our handwork paying off. In a sport like Pilates - there is no tournament, no playoffs, no finish line, or record to break. As a result, we have to measure our own success by these ‘wins’ along the way.

I believe there is so much power in celebrating the small wins. It changes our attitude, gives us confidence, and gives us drive and determination. These wins are different for everyone. What I am working on and what you are working on may be very different. Much work has been done in the mind body space on how we speak to ourselves. When we speak kindly and encouraging to ourselves we do better. Lamenting how much we stink at an exercise has yet to cause improvement as far as I know!

I encourage each of you to find a win in your next session. Maybe the win is making it to the studio when you didn’t feel like it. Maybe your win is doing a progression of an exercise. It could be a feeling of being stronger or lasting through a difficult movement. Whatever it is - celebrate that win!